Harbor Pilot Disability Insurance

Harbor pilots play integral roles in harbor safety, shipping and other concerns. In return for your time and expertise, you earn a salary that falls between $41,000 and $125,000 per year. From that money, you need to pay for your house, for your cars, for health insurance and other considerations. Protecting your ability to earn with a harbor pilot disability insurance policy makes a great deal of sense. Not sure what that includes?

Why Protect Your Income with Harbor Pilot Disability Insurance?

If you were to be disabled for several weeks, or even months, what would happen with your family’s financial situation? Would you be able to make your mortgage payment, car payments, and all the rest? Would you need to drain your savings in order to do so? Harbor pilot disability insurance provides you with the means to meet your financial obligations without bankrupting yourself in the process.

Disabilities Explained

When most people think about disabilities, they imagine physical injuries that leave them unable to work. That’s true in some cases, but the truth is that the leading causes of disabilities in the US are medical conditions. This includes heart disease, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, cancer and more. They’re frightening medical conditions, and they can strike anyone, anywhere, anytime, leaving you unable to work and earn an income.

Finding the Protection You Need

Harbor pilot disability insurance provides you with an ongoing stream of income based on your actual average earnings. This money can be used to pay for whatever you might need, from putting food on the table to paying your utility bills or your mortgage payment.

The catch is that not all disability insurance policies are the same. They can vary a lot from one insurer to the next. We can help you compare your options, including disability insurance rates, covered disabilities, coverage areas, and everything else. Our goal is to ensure that you’re able to make an informed, accurate decision and get the peace of mind you need.

We invite you to call us today at 1-877-221-6198 or use the form on this page to drop us a line.


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